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All GKS Members

Publishing Grants

GKS offers financial support for publishing suitable work by its members that is clearly related to Canada. In particular, this applies to the printing of dissertations of outstanding quality, conference proceedings, etc. Excluded are works of fiction, anthologies, lexical works, etc. Magister, Master’s or Diploma theses will usually not be considered for a publishing grant.

Applications must be submitted to the administration office at least two weeks prior to the GKS board meetings (held twice a year), i.e. no later than by January 31 and June 1st respectively. In the case of dissertations or other peer-reviewed manuscripts, applications should include a copy of the work (bound or in digital form, preferably in pdf format), an informal application with an indication of the amount requested as well as copies of original certificates. Applications should also include a publishing offer stating the total cost of printing.

Generally, GKS does not cover more than a third of the estimated costs and no more than EUR 1200 per publication (if published in the book series of GKS) or EUR 800 per publication (all other publications).

After printing, two copies of the work shall be delivered to the GKS office, and one of the copies will be forwarded to ICCS / CIEC. In addition, the authors are asked to send an abbreviated version (max 500 words) to the Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien (Journal of Canadian Studies). The work itself should include the clearly visible note „Printed with support of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking countries (GKS)“. Disbursement of the approved amount is normally done after receipt of the hard copy.

As a rule, only one application per person and per application deadline will be considered. The administration office is happy to provide more information upon request.

Please find a downloadable application form here.

Conference Support

All GKS members have the possibility to apply for financial assistance when organising a scientific event, i.e., conferences, summer/winter schools, or excursions with a clear reference to Canadian Studies (at least 50%; the reference to Canada has to appear explicitly in the title of the event).

Send your applications to the GKS office at least two weeks prior to the biannual board meetings. Respectively, i.e. respectively by January 31 and June 1st of each year.

Only complete applications will be considered. Applications should include,

  • adequate professional reasons;
  • a preliminary conference program;
  • a financial budget;
  • as well as other relevant information regarding the conference.

If you have simultaneously applied for sponsoring from other institutions, please explicitly note this in your application. If your application is approved, please make sure to mention the support by GKS during the conference in a suitable way. Within three weeks after the event, a report is to be sent to the GKS office outlining important conference results and evaluations. Disbursement will usually be done after the applicant has handed in the required receipts and the conference report. As a rule, only one application per person and application deadline will be considered.

Please find a downloadable application form here.

Scholarships of the Foundation for Canadian Studies

The Foundation for Canadian Studies offers grants to partially cover travel expenses for research stays in Canada. Applicants are expected to cover some of their costs through other means. The grant awarded will depend on the funds available to the Foundation (as a general rule, this will be a one-time grant of between 1.000 and a maximum of 3.000 Euro).

(1) Travel grants for doctoral students for research stays in Canada

(2) Travel grants for established academics (with already completed Ph.D.) for research stays in Canada

(3) Travel grants to prepare for research grant applications: for exploratory/preliminary research and/or the development of research grant applications

Applicants must be German, Austrian or Swiss citizens or, alternatively, must pursue their Ph.D. or be employed at a German, Austrian or Swiss University.  Applications can be put forward at any time. The deadline for applications for grants to be awarded for the following year is November 1 of the current year.

For more information please visit the Foundation for Canadian Studies‘ Homepage.