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The Foundation for Canadian Studies offers grants to partially cover travel expenses for research stays in Canada. Applicants are expected to cover some of their costs through other means. The grant awarded will depend on the funds available to the Foundation (as a general rule, this will be a one-time grant of between 1,000 and a maximum of 3,000 Euro).

(1) Travel grants for doctoral students for research stays in Canada

(2) Travel grants for established academics (with already completed Ph.D.) for research stays in Canada

(3) Travel grants to prepare for research grant applications: for exploratory/preliminary research and/or the development of research grant applications

Applicants must be German, Austrian or Swiss citizens or, alternatively, must pursue their Ph.D. or be employed at a German, Austrian or Swiss University.  Applications can be put forward at any time. The deadline for applications for grants to be awarded for the following year is November 1 of the current year.

Due to the pandemic, there will again be an additional opportunity to submit applications for grants supporting projects in the current or following year. The additional deadline is July 1, 2022.

For more information please visit the Foundation for Canadian Studies‘ Homepage (Section Förderprogramme).