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Anyone who is academically interested in Canada can become a member of GKS. To join, just send an application to the executive board. If possible decide for only one of the sections. Reduced membership fees are possible (see below). Members will receive the Mitteilungsheft and have access also to the most recent edition of the Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien (Journal of Canadian Studies) free of charge. If you subscribe to our free newsletter you will receive Canadian Studies related news and updates every month. All GKS members can apply for a multitude of awards and prizes that will help further your Canadianist interest.


GKS facilitates all scholarly activities of its members and furthers research, teaching and personal networking.

From 2020 onwards, membership fees amount to

  • 25 € for BA and MA students, Ph.D. students without employment or scholarship as well as members with a gross income up to 1,000 €
  • 40 € for members with a gross income up to 2,000 €
  • 70 € for members with a gross income up to 4,000 €
  • 90 € for members with a gross income over 4,000 €
  • Retirees will be re-classified one income group lower
  • 70 € for institutions

Bank account information can be obtained from the Administration office.

Please find the membership application form here. Please send your membership application via e-mail to