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The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS / CIEC), based in Ottawa, is the umbrella organization of all societies for Canadian Studies around the world. Its informative website provides further information about their numerous activities and programs. Of particular interest are its scholarship programs, a selection of which is outlined in the following. In general applications must be submitted to the GKS board and will then be evaluated, commented upon and forwarded to the ICCS office in Ottawa . We would like to refer you to the following programs in particular:

ICCS Graduate Students Scholarships / CIEC Bourses d’études supérieures

This scholarship sponsors a research stay in Canada required for a thesis (Diploma, Magister etc.) or PhD thesis (Dissertation) in the field of Canadian Studies. Applications should be sent to the GKS office by November 10 December 15, 2022. GKS preselects and forwards the applications to the ICCS/CIEC, which decides on awarding the scholarship.

Please find more information as well as an application form here.

ICCS Canadian Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship / CIEC Bourses postdoctorales en études canadiennes

This fellowship is awarded for outstanding PhD candidates who have completed their theses and intend to do continuative research or plan an additional research stay in Canada.

Please find more information as well as an application form here.

Please find information on additional ICCS/CIEC programs (e.g. Doctoral Student Research Award, Best Doctoral Thesis in Canadian Studies Award, and others) on the ICCS/CIEC website.