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Publishing Grants

GKS offers financial support for publishing suitable work by its members that is clearly related to Canada. In particular this applies to the printing of dissertations of outstanding quality, or conference proceedings etc. Excluded are works of fiction, anthologies, lexical works, etc. Magister, Master’s or Diploma theses will usually not be considered for a publishing grant.

Applications must be submitted to the administration office at least two weeks prior to the GKS board meetings (held twice a year), i.e. no later than by January 31 and June 15 respectively. In the case of dissertations or other peer-reviewed manuscripts, applications should include a copy of the work (bound or in digital form, preferably in pdf format), an informal application with indication of the amount requested as well as copies of original certificates. Applications should also include a publishing offer stating the total cost of printing.

Generally GKS does not cover more than a third of the estimated costs and no more than EUR 1200 per publication (if published in the book series of GKS) or EUR 800 per publication (all other publications).

After printing, two copies of the work shall be delivered to the GKS office, one of the copies will be forwarded to ICCS / CIEC. In addition, the authors are asked to send an abbreviated version (max 500 words) to the Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien (Journal of Canadian Studies). The work itself should include the clearly visible note „Printed with support of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking countries (GKS)“. Disbursement of the approved amount is normally done after receipt of the hard copy.

As a rule, only one application per person and per application deadline will be considered. The administration office is happy to provide more information upon request.

Please find a downloadable application form here.