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Travel Grant

GKS offers travel grants to early career researchers who wish to attend a scholarly event, provided that the event and their contribution has a clear reference to Canadian Studies. (Travel costs to the annual GKS conference and the conference of the Emerging scholars Forum cannot be funded with this grant.) We exclusively support early career researchers, that is, persons without a permanent post who are completing a Masters degree, a PhD or a Habilitation. Scholars who have completed their Habilitation may also be supported, on condition that they do not have a permanent post at a university or elsewhere. Scholars whose request for funding is granted may not apply the following year. Please note that complete funding of all expenses is not possible, since travel grants are covered by the regular GKS budget. Send your applications to the GKS office at least two weeks prior to the biannual board meetings, that is, no later than by January 31 and June 15. Travel grants do not exceed the maximum amount of EUR 500.


  • The applicant must be a GKS member.
  • The applicant presents a scholarly contribution at a Canadian Studies event.
  • Applicant must send a report to the GKS office within three weeks after the conference.
  • Original receipts must be presented to the treasurer.

Only complete applications will be considered. Applications should include,

  • An adequate professional statement, indicating the reasons why taking part in the event is important.
  • an event program;
  • a budget plan;
  • a detailed CV which documents a clear academic emphasis in Canadian Studies
  • as well as other information relevant to the event.

Travels that are already partly sponsored by other institutions (DFG, DAAD, etc.) will not be considered. If you have simultaneously applied for other sponsoring, please explicitly note this in your application. Disbursement will usually be done after the applicant has handed in the required receipts and a conference report. You cannot apply for travel grants retroactively. Applications must be sent to the GKS office prior to the conference you want to attend and prior to the deadlines mentioned above. As a rule only one application per person and will be considered at each application-deadline.

Please find a downloadable application form here.