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Conference Support

All GKS members have the opportunity to apply for financial assistance for conferences or lecture series with a clear focus on Canadian Studies (at least 50%; conferences of other Canadian Studies societies or associations such as ENCS and ICCS). Please note that covering the complete costs for conferences is impossible, since conference sponsoring is paid from the regular GKS budget. Send your applications to the GKS office at least two weeks prior to the biannual board meetings. Respectively, i.e. respectively by January 31 and June 15 of each year.

Only complete applications will be considered. Applications should include,

  • adequate professional reasons;
  • a preliminary conference program;
  • a financial budget;
  • as well as other relevant information regarding the conference.

If you have simultaneously applied for sponsoring from other institutions, please explicitly note this in your application. If your application is approved, please make sure to mention the support by GKS during the conference in a suitable way. Within three weeks after the event a report is to be sent to the GKS office outlining important conference results and evaluations. Disbursement will usually be done after the applicant has handed in the required receipts and the conference report. As a rule only one application per person and application deadline will be considered.

Please find a downloadable application form here.