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Nachwuchsforum NWF Activities

21st Conference of the Emerging Scholars Forum – Territory, Tension, and Taboo: Canada in Crisis

21st Conference of the Emerging Scholars Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries

Territory, Tension, and Taboo: Canada in Crisis
Territoire, tension et tabou: le Canada en crise

October 10-11, 2024 – University of Bremen

Depending on the context, territory is described as vast, empty, conquered, annexed, unexplored, constructed, claimed, or imagined, among many other adjectives. This conference explores different aspects of territory through the prism of tension and taboo, including tensions which have erupted into public conflicts that dominate(d) popular Canadian discourse, or territorial confrontations treated as taboo, concealed, or otherwise obscured by Canada’s international reputation as a welcoming and multicultural nation. “Territory, Tension, and Taboo: Canada in Crisis” interrogates how territory–-as a historical, legal, geographical, and cultural concept–-functions as an essential interdisciplinary nexus within the field of Canadian Studies.

Please find the poster and program here.

Selon le contexte, le territoire est dépeint comme vaste, vide, conquis, annexé, inexploré, construit, revendiqué ou imaginé, pour ne citer que quelques adjectifs. Cette conférence explore différents aspects du territoire à travers le prisme de la tension et du tabou, y compris les tensions qui ont éclaté en conflits publics qui dominent le discours populaire canadien, ou les confrontations territoriales traitées comme taboues, dissimulées ou autrement obscurcies par la réputation internationale du Canada en tant que nation accueillante et multiculturelle. « Territoire, tension et tabou : le Canada en crise » interroge la manière dont le territoire – en tant que concept historique, juridique, géographique et culturel – fonctionne comme un lien interdisciplinaire essentiel dans le domaine des études canadiennes.

Vous trouverez l’affiche et le programme ici.

Nachwuchsforum NWF Activities

Emerging Scholars Colloquium at the 46th Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (GKS)

Emerging Scholars Colloquium at the 46th Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (GKS)

Embassy of Canada to Germany, Berlin (Germany), February 26 – March 1, 2025

The Emerging Scholars Colloquium is organized by the Emerging Scholars Forum (NWF/ESF) of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS) as part of the 46th Annual Conference of the GKS “The North: Changes, Challenges, Opportunities”. It is open to all emerging scholars working and wishing to discuss their ongoing or planned projects in various disciplines connected to Canadian and Quebec Studies.

Le séminaire des jeunes chercheurs est organisé par le Forum des jeunes chercheurs (NWF/ESF) de l’Association pour les études canadiennes dans les pays germanophones (GKS) dans le cadre de la 46e conférence annuelle de la GKS intitulée « Le Nord : Changements, défis, opportunités ». Il est ouvert à tous les jeunes chercheurs qui travaillent et souhaitent discuter de leurs projets en cours ou prévus dans diverses disciplines liées aux études canadiennes et québécoises.

Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2024 / Date limite de soumission : 1er septembre 2024

Please find the Call for Papers here. / Vous troverez l’appel à communications ici.

NWF Meeting Link

Emerging Scholars Forum Monthly Meeting

Our monthly meetings will be held at 4.00 p.m CET on Zoom. Our meetings are open to all emerging scholars (BA, MA and PhD students) and you are warmly invited to join us!

Save the dates and register for the upcoming meetings here: 

  • December 10, 2024, at 4.00 p.m.: register here
  • January 14, 2025, at 4.00 p.m.: register here
  • February 4, 2025, at 4.00 p.m.: register here
  • March 11, 2025, at 4.00 p.m.: register here