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Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies at Trent University

Canadian Studies Ph.D. program

The Canadian Studies Ph.D. program at Trent University is the first of its kind in Canada. It is designed for students interested in pursuing research in an interdisciplinary context. This program is offered jointly by the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies at Trent University in Peterborough (about 90 minutes from Toronto), and the School of Canadian Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa. Please see the following link for more information about the program:


Canadian Studies & Indigenous Studies M.A. program

The Master’s programme in Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies has established itself as the foremost program of its kind. With Canada as both a subject and context for inquiry, the MA areas of study include Canada in a global context; cultural heritage, literature, theory and the arts; environmental politics, policy and natural heritage; Aboriginal peoples; political economy, labour and community development; women and gender; identities and difference in Canada. Reflecting the breadth of the field itself, this multidisciplinary program draws upon the scholarly knowledge and expertise from the humanities, social sciences and other interdisciplinary fields such as environmental studies and gender studies. Master’s students select between a twelve month course and research-based program, or a twenty-four month course and thesis-based option. Please see the following link for more information about the program:


Admissions deadline for the MA and PhD programs is February 1st, 2015. Details about admission are available on the Graduate Studies link on the Trent University website:

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

CfA : Circula: revue d’idéologies linguistiques – rivista di ideologie linguistiche – revista de ideologías lingüísticas

Fondée en 2014, la revue électronique Circula: revue d’idéologies linguistiques publie des travaux consacrés à la conceptualisation, la construction et la circulation d’idéologies sur la langue dans les communautés de langue romane. Son objectif est de diffuser des travaux qui explorent le thème des idéologies linguistiques sur les plans théorique, méthodologique et empirique, et ce, à partir de corpus tant contemporains qu’historiques. La revue adopte un caractère interdisciplinaire et accueille des contributions s’inscrivant dans plusieurs traditions de recherche. Elle encourage tout particulièrement les travaux qui adoptent une perspective comparative.

Les textes soumis au comité éditorial doivent être envoyés à l’adresse suivante:

Veuillez trouver l’appel complet ici.

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Call for Applications: Nachwuchsforum

logo_nachwuchs_gksDas Nachwuchsforum der Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien e.V. sucht engagierte NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen für die Nachfolge des Leitungsteams, die sich für die Förderung der Kanada-Studien im Bereich der Nachwuchsforschung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz einsetzen möchten. Die Leitung des Nachwuchsforums besteht aus zwei Teams, die jeweils versetzt für zwei Jahre amtieren.

Den vollständigen Call for Applications finden Sie hier zum Download.

Deadline: 15. Dezember 2014