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Aktuelles Ausschreibungen GKS

Ausschreibung der Förderpreise – Bewerbungsfrist 31.10.2024

Die GKS verleiht – gemeinsam mit ihren Unterstützern und Partnern – auch in diesem Jahr wieder Förderpreise.

Bewerbungen für

  • die Reisestipendien der GKS
  • den Jürgen-und-Freia-Saße-Preis
  • den Prix d’Excellence du Gouvernement du Québec
  • den Gabriele Helms Prize for Canadian Fiction and Cultural Narratology

werden bis zum 31.10.2024 von der Geschäftsstelle entgegengenommen.

Nähere Angaben zu den Förderpreisen finden Sie hier.

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen Nachwuchsforum

Call for Papers: Emerging Scholars Colloquium in the 46th Annual Conference of the GKS

Call for Papers

Emerging Scholars Colloquium

Embassy of Canada to Germany, Berlin (Germany)

February 26 March 1, 2025

***le français suit***

The Emerging Scholars Colloquium panel is organized by the Emerging Scholars Forum (NWF/ESF) of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS) as part of the 46th Annual Conference of the GKS “The North: Changes, Challenges, Opportunities”.

Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2024
Feedback on successful submissions: by September 30, 2024

The Emerging Scholars Colloquium is an in-person conference panel hosted as part of the Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS). It offers emerging scholars a platform to share and discuss their planned or ongoing research projects with peers and experts from various disciplines in Canadian Studies and Quebec Studies.

Submissions do not have to engage with the thematic focus of “The North: Changes, Challenges, Opportunities” of the general 46th Annual Conference of the GKS. Instead, they may discuss ideas and work in progress on BA/MA theses, (early) drafts of PhD projects, excerpts from (planned) dissertation chapters, or any other current research project with an emphasis on Canadian Studies, Quebec Studies, or Canada. Applicants may wish to address the theory, methodology, or content of their current research; all research aspects and perspectives are welcome. Disciplines may include, but are not limited to, Language, Literature, and Culture in Anglophone and Francophone Canada, Gender and Queer Studies, Geography and Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology, and Indigenous Studies. Furthermore, the Emerging Scholars Colloquium encourages transdisciplinary and comparative perspectives working on the Commonwealth, France, the Francophonie, or the Americas with a clear connection to Canada.
Centering on the dialogue between participants and attendees, we invite proposals for brief 10-15-minute presentations of the main project ideas, focusing on the key challenges the presenter is currently facing and wishes to discuss. Each presentation will be followed by a 10-15-minute discussion of the key issues reported. This focused exchange is intended to provide participants with insightful new perspectives on their projects.

Proposals should be submitted in a single PDF file in English, French, or German to Yvonne K. Jende ( no later than September 1, 2024. Submissions should include:
▪ Project Title / Presentation Title
▪ Presentation Abstract (250-350 words), outlining the central ideas and key challenges of the project
▪ Short Biographical Note (max. 250 words), including the applicant’s name, preferred pronouns (optional), email address, university affiliation, and research background/interests.

Feedback on successful applications will be sent by September 30, 2024.


Appel á contributions

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Ambassade du Canada en Allemagne, Berlin (Allemagne)

26 février – 1 mars 2025

Le séminaire des jeunes chercheurs est organisé par le Forum des jeunes chercheurs (NWF/ESF) de l’Association d’études canadiennes dans les pays germanophones (GKS) dans le cadre de la 46e conférence annuelle de la GKS intitulée „Le Nord : Changements, défis, opportunités“.

Date limite de soumission : 1er septembre 2024
Retour d’information sur les soumissions retenues : avant le 30 septembre 2024

Le séminaire des jeunes chercheurs est un événement en présentiel organisé dans le cadre de la Conférence annuelle de l’Association d’études canadiennes dans les pays germanophones (GKS). Il offre aux chercheurs émergents une plateforme pour partager et discuter leurs projets de recherche en préparation (mémoire de fin d’études, thèse de doctorat) ou en cours avec des pairs et des experts de diverses disciplines en études canadiennes et québécoises. La proposition de communication peut porter sur des idées et des travaux en cours (mémoires de fin d’études, 1er/2nd cycle, BA ou MA), des (premières) ébauches de projets de thèse, des extraits de chapitres de dissertation (prévus), ou tout autre projet de recherche prévu ou en cours dans le domaine des études canadiennes et québécoises ou avec un fort accent sur le Canada. Les propositions peuvent aborder la théorie, la méthodologie ou le contenu de leur recherche en cours ; tous les aspects et perspectives de recherche sont bienvenus. On encourage des soumissions des disciplines suivantes sans s’y limiter : la langue, la littérature et la culture au Canada francophone et anglophone, les études sur le genre et la sexualité, la géographie et l’économie, l’histoire, les sciences politiques, la sociologie et les études autochtones. En outre, le séminaire doctoral des jeunes chercheurs encourage les perspectives transdisciplinaires et comparatistes portant sur le Commonwealth, la France et la francophonie ou les Amériques et ayant un lien évident avec le Canada.

Un lien avec le thème „Le Nord : Changements, défis, opportunités“ de la 46e conférence annuelle du GKS n’est pas obligatoire. Comme e colloque privilégie l’échange et le dialogue entre les participants et les auditeurs, nous invitons les participants à esquisser les principales idées ou défis de leur projet en 10 à 15 minutes max. Chaque présentation sera suivie d’une discussion de 10 à 15 minutes sur les questions soulevées. Par l’échange avec les auditeurs, nous espérons apporter de nouvelles perspectives aux participants de nouvelles perspectives sur leurs projets.
Les propositions doivent être soumises dans un seul fichier PDF en anglais, en français ou en allemand au plus tard le 1er septembre 2024 à Yvonne K. Jende ( Les soumissions doivent inclure :
▪ Titre du projet / Titre de la présentation.
▪ Résumé de la présentation (250-350 mots), soulignant les idées centrales et les principaux défis du projet.
▪ Notice biographique (250 mots maximum), comprenant le nom du candidat, les pronoms préférés (facultatif), adresse de courriel, l’affiliation universitaire et les intérêts de recherche.

Le retour d’information sur les candidatures retenues : avant le 30 septembre 2024.


Aktuelles Ausschreibungen Nachwuchsforum

Zwei Stipendien zu Förderung von Québec-Studien (Bayern)

Im Rahmen der Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen Bayern und Québec werden für das Jahr 2024 zwei Stipendien à 2500,– Euro zur Förderung von Québec-Studien angeboten.

– Personenkreis: Studierende aller Fachrichtungen, die an einer bayerischen Universität oder Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften immatrikuliert sind und ihre Zulassungsarbeit, Master-, Bachelor- oder Diplomarbeit über ein Thema schreiben, das inhaltlich oder methodisch einen wesentlichen Bezug zu Québec aufweist.

– Aufenthaltsdauer: 4 – 6 Wochen

– Die Studierenden, die ein Stipendium erhalten, verpflichten sich, der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei als Nachweis ein Exemplar der abgeschlossenen Arbeit zur Verfügung zu stellen.

– Die Auswahl unter den Bewerbungen trifft eine Kommission aus Vertretern des Instituts für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Augsburg, der Wissenschaftlichen Koordinierungsstelle Bayern-Québec und der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei.

Bitte richten Sie Ihre Bewerbungen in Papierform und elektronisch bis zum 31.Mai 2024 an folgende Adresse:

Frau Prof. Dr. Daniela Pietrini 
Lehrstuhl für Romanische Sprachwissenschaft 
Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 10 
86135 Augsburg (Tel. 0821/598-2740)

Mit der Bewerbung einzureichende Unterlagen:
– Tabellarischer Lebenslauf
– Motivationsschreiben
– Nachweis über gute französische und englische Sprachkenntnisse
– Kurzbeschreibung des Projekts und Begründung der Notwendigkeit einer Vorortrecherche in Québec; Angabe von Kontaktpersonen bzw. -institutionen in Québec
– Stellungnahme des Betreuers der Arbeit

Für mehr Informationen:

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen

Openings: Doctoral Candidates at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstatt

Research Associate (Doctoral Candidate/Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d))

At the earliest from April 1, 2024, the DFG-funded research training group “Practicing Place: Sociocultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations“ invites applications for two part-time positions (75%) as research associate (doctoral candidate) to be filled for a limited period probably until March 31, 2027.

You can download the call for applications in German or  English for more information.Please send your application to until February 11, 2024.

The graduate school ‘Practicing Place’ at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt researches the intersections, tensions, and dynamics of place and practice from a decidedly interdisciplinary perspective. Place and processes of (re-)placing have become central to a discussion of complex global interrelations, precisely at a time of growing transnational interdependencies and seemingly borderless communication networks. We suggest to think of place dynamically: that is, we will consider specific practices of placing and their concomitant epistemic configuration (such as comprehending, mapping, locating, imagining, writing, experiencing, and redefining places). The goal of the training group is to unpick the ‘how’ of places in relation to the situatedness of any and all practices. We encourage applications from across the disciplinary intersections of the humanities and social sciences and the successful candidates will pursue their own, independent dissertation project within the guiding framework of ‘Practicing Place’.

We Expect

  • Excellent master’s degree or equivalent
  • Development of an independent research project that is interdisciplinary and related to the key topics of the school
  • Members are required to participate in the structured study programme and in the events and activities of the Research Group
  • Very good spoken English language proficiency (office working language is English)
  • Doctorates will be carried out at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

We Offer

Within the research training group, we offer excellent conditions for early career researchers. These include:

  • An attractive research environment in the higher educational sector with supervision and mentorship from the professorial members, access to an excellent research infrastructure, and an international network
  • A structured training and study programme in support of the individual research projects and tailored to the needs of doctoral candidates
  • Opportunities for further academic career planning and development
  • Financial support of externships and stays abroad for the establishment and expansion of specialist, transdisciplinary networks on an international level

We require

Please include the following documents as a single pdf (in German or English):

  • Letter of motivation summarising your academic experience and interests, why you are personally suited for the program, and your prospective contribution to the school (no longer than 2 pages)
  • Proposal of the intended doctoral project that includes main research questions, methodology and theoretical approach (no longer than 10 pages)
  • CV, detailing your academic career to date
  • Copies of university degree certificates (if not in German language, we may request certified copies in the future)
  • Letter of recommendation from a university lecturer providing information on the applicant’s professional and methodological competence, suitability for the position and academic potential (no longer than two pages)
  • Writing sample from final thesis

The deadline for applications is February 11, 2024. Please send it to

Aktuelles Ausschreibungen Call for Papers

Apply Now: Indigenous Futurisms – Workshop with Chelsea Vowel 19.2.2024 Universität Wien

Workshop for PhD and advanced MA students

Date: February 19, 2024

Location: Helene-Richter-Saal, UniCampus, Hof 8, Department of English and American Studies

Chelsea Vowel, Métis writer from manitow-sâkahikan (Lac Ste. Anne) Alberta, is coming to the University of Vienna to offer a workshop on Indigenous Futurisms for MA and PhD students. Students interested in Indigenous futurisms and Indigenous speculative writing are encouraged to apply for this workshop, which will be an opportunity to receive critical input on their own work and to gain new perspectives on Indigenous theory and writing. The workshop will begin with an opening talk by Chelsea Vowel on the intersection between theory and fiction writing. Students will then have the opportunity to present their own work and get a response and feedback from our guest. To close, Chelsea Vowel will read from her recent short story collection Buffalo is the New Buffalo.

Please submit abstracts incl. project title (max. 300 words) and a short biographical note to by January 5, 2024. All applicants will be notified of their participation in the workshop by the beginning of January 2024.

Please find the full call for papers here.

Chelsea Vowel is Métis from manitow-sâkahikan (Lac Ste. Anne) Alberta, residing in amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton). Parent to six children, she has a BEd, LLB, and MA. She is a Cree language instructor at the Faculty of Native studies at the University of Alberta. Chelsea is a public intellectual, writer, and educator whose work intersects language, gender, Métis self-determination, and resurgence. Author of Indigenous Writes: A Guide to First Nations, Métis & Inuit Issues in Canada, she and her co-host Molly Swain produce the Indigenous feminist sci-fi podcast Métis in Space, and co-founded the Métis in Space Land Trust. Her most recent work is the short story collection Buffalo is the New Buffalo, published by Arsenal Pulp Press in 2022.

Organizers: Stefanie Schäfer, Markus Schwarz, Barbara Gföllner, Alexandra Ganser