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Aktuelles Call for Papers

Appel à contributions: Confluences littéraires québécoises – Aspects inter- et transculturels de l’extrême contemporain au Québec

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Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Papers: New Moons, New Tides: A Century of Change in Canada, 1923-2023

New Moons, New Tides: A Century of Change in Canada, 1923-2023

10th triennial CEACS conference on Canadian Studies in Central Europe

September 12 to 14, 2024, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia

To honour the 101st anniversary of the publication of L. M. Montgomery’s novel Emily of New Moon, we welcome proposals that address or contest narratives of change and development in the fields of history, sociology, anthropology, science, music, literature, language, or the fine arts.

Topic areas—in either French or English–could include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Revolutionary Canadian ideas, paradigms or theoretical approaches,
  • Climate-change issues (including in literature),
  • Evaluation/re-evaluation of key 20th-century events,
  • Individual author/ artist/ performance studies (literature, music or other arts),
  • Cultural impact of technological innovation,
  • Updated genres, and new media,
  • Language change and linguistic policy changes,
  • Renegotiations of gender and mental health in language, literature, and society,
  • Multiculturalism and marginalization revisited,
  • Urban development in literature and arts,
  • Canadian identities (Acadian, Quebec etc.),
  • Migrant literature (écriture migrante),
  • Transnationalization, migration, and cross-border issues/identities,
  • And a special topic on Margaret Atwood at 85.

Abstracts of 200 words, along with a brief bio (200 words) should be sent to by January 31st, 2024.

***Version française***

Nouvelles lunes, nouvelles marées: Un siècle de changement au Canada, 1923-2023
Appel à communications

10e congrès triennale du CEACS sur les études canadiennes en Europe centrale
12-14 septembre 2024, Université de Maribor, Maribor, Slovénie

Pour honorer le 101e anniversaire de la publication du roman Emily of New Moon de L. M. Montgomery, nous vous invitons à nous proposer des contributions qui abordent ou contestent les narratifs de changement et de développement dans les domaines de l’Histoire, de la sociologie, de l’anthropologie, des sciences, de la musique, de la littérature, du langage ou des beaux-arts.

Les domaines thématiques, en français ou en anglais, pourraient inclure (sans s’y limiter) les éléments suivants :

  • Idées, paradigmes ou approches théoriques révolutionnaires canadiennes,
  • Questions liées au changement climatique (y compris dans la littérature),
  • Évaluation/réévaluation des événements clés du XXe siècle,
  • Études individuelles sur un/e auteur/artiste/performance (littérature, musique ou autres arts),
  • Impact culturel de l’innovation technologique,
  • Genres mis à jour et nouveaux médias,
  • Changements linguistiques et changements de politique linguistique,
  • Renégociations du genre et de la santé mentale dans la langue, la littérature et la société,
  • Multiculturalisme et marginalisation revisités,
  • Développement urbain en littérature et autres arts,
  • Identités canadiennes (Acadienne, Québécoise etc.),
  • Littérature migrante (écriture migrante),
  • Transnationalisation, migration et questions/identités transfrontalières,
  • Et un focus spécial sur Margaret Atwood (85 ans).

Les résumés de 200 mots, accompagnés d’une brève biographie (200 mots) doivent être envoyés à avant le 31 janvier 2024.

Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

Call for Papers // Appel à contributions: International Seminar – Workshop – Journée d’étude international: Towards Postmigrant Social Imaginaries: Transatlantic Perspectives on Intercultural Negociations of Racism, Discrimination and Diversity in Canada and Europe

Towards Postmigrant Social Imaginaries: Transatlantic Perspectives on Intercultural Negociations of Racism, Discrimination and Diversity in Canada and Europe

Postmigrantische Social Imaginaries: Transatlantische Perspektiven auf interkulturelle Verhandlungen von Rassismus, Diskriminierung und Diversität in Kanada und Europa

Vers des imaginaires sociaux post-migrants : Négociations interculturelles du racisme, de la discriminiation et de la diversité dans une perspective transatlantique (Canada-Europe)


Date: Monday, March 4, 2024

Venue: Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)

Organizers: Christoph Vatter, Charlotte Kaiser, Julien Bobineau (all Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany), Philippe Néméh-Nombré (Université Concordia, Canada)

Deadline: November 6, 2023

Migration has shaped and continues to shape most contemporary societies in the Global North and the Global South. These societies, whether host countries or transit countries, such as North African states with which the EU has signed several treaties to prevent Sub-Saharan Africans from migrating to Europe, can be defined as postmigrant: they are becoming more and more diverse, which further blurs any so-called clear boundaries between different groups (Foroutan 2021). The concept of the postmigrant society does not, however, refer to any utopian vision of egalitarian and peaceful cohabitation. It characterizes a phase of intense debate and conflict around nothing less than the foundations of liberal democracy and its incarnation by the modern nation-state. While racial awareness as a topic has become increasingly present in the public sphere, diversity remains a contested moral, conceptual, and discursive terrain.

Debates over the objective and normative meanings and uses of Diversity happen across every area of society, such as (higher) education, job markets and business policies, and cultural industries. However, they are particularly heated regarding the state’s judiciary and executive institutions. The early 2020s, for example, saw a transnational revival of critiques of policing and police violence in Western countries and beyond, which have channeled a significant part of transformative efforts and commitment to social justice, articulated similar intentions and desires, and (re-)created social imaginaries, all the more so for younger generations.

Social imaginaries are an integral part of social, economic, and political power structures and institutions and can contribute to social cohesion, but they can also give rise to new forms of difference and dissent (Gaonkar/Lee 2002; Taylor 2004; Alma/Vanheeswijck 2018). As dynamic phenomena, social imaginaries constantly change, which may reciprocally affect social or political processes. Individuals and groups can change these imaginaries or use them – consciously or unconsciously – for various social, economic, and political purposes. However, by creating fundamental meaning and guiding human action, social imaginaries also shape social institutions; they can stabilize or challenge power and partly determine the boundaries within which we function collectively.

This symposium aims to create a space for reflecting on the circulation of social imaginaries in the postmigrant society and between postmigrant societies, especially in Canada and Western Europe. We invite researchers from the Humanities and Social Sciences to contextualize their reflections within the broader context of the rise of authoritarianism and the negotiation of minorities’ rights between local issues and transnational echoes. We welcome papers drawing on critical approaches such as, among others, feminist and queer theory, environmental justice, decoloniality and postcolonialism, Black radical thought, and Indigenous studies.

Papers may address, in particular, the following topics and questions:

State institutions: How is cultural and racial identity accounted for and negotiated in policing and state surveillance? What do state institutions understand by “diversity”? Can institutions such as the police and the penal system be sustainably reformed towards equality and inclusion? What potential alternatives have been and can be implemented?

Migration and borders: What new understandings of migration, asylum, movement, and displacement arise in the post-migrant, global, ecocidal, and late capitalist era? What implications do these changes entail for studying diasporas, transnationalism, and international relations? How are these developments and profound changes dealt with in different areas of society?

Storytelling and social imaginaries: How do cultural expressive forms, such as literature, film, music, and media, represent, mitigate or create tensions regarding diversity, racism, migration, and, more broadly, exclusion, discrimination, and oppression? How do activists communicate the changes they call upon, and through what means? How are the social imaginaries created, told, and negotiated?

Deadline for the submission of proposals: November 6, 2023

Notification of acceptance: November 25, 2023


Please send an abstract (ca. 300 words) + a short biography to 

Venue: The event will take place in person at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany). The choice of Jena as the conference venue refers to the special significance that the University of Jena plays in German discourses on racism. In 2019, during the 112th annual meeting of the German Zoological Society, the “Jena Declaration” was published, in which scientists from zoology, genetics, and evolutionary biology distanced themselves from their historical predecessors at the University of Jena, in particular from Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), who was also known as the “German Darwin” and established racist patterns of thought in the German Academia. The Jena Declaration of 2019 underlines that the concept of “race” is the result of racism and not its precondition and calls for a deletion of the term “race” from the German Constitution.

Languages: The preferred language is English, but presentations in French and German are welcome. To ensure accessibility, we ask that PowerPoint slides be presented in one of the languages other than that of the talk. We would especially like to encourage early career researchers (PhD students, Postdocs) to submit a proposal.

Aktuelles Call for Papers

Call for Papers Annual Spring Academy Conference Heidelberg Center for American Studies

Annual Spring Academy Conference

Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg/Germany

March 18-22, 2024

Deadline: November 15, 2023

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications for its annual Spring Academy on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics, and Religion to be held from March 18-22, 2024.

The HCA Spring Academy provides 20 international Ph.D. students with the opportunity to present and thoroughly discuss their Ph.D. projects.

We encourage applications that range broadly across the arts, humanities, and social sciences and pursue an interdisciplinary approach. Participants can present thesis projects on any subject relating to the study of the United States of America. Possible topics include American identity, issues of ethnicity, gender, transatlantic relations, U.S. domestic and foreign policy, economics, and various aspects of American history, literature, religion, geography, law, musicology, and culture.

Participants are requested to prepare a 20-minute presentation of their research project, which will be followed by a 40-minute discussion.

The Spring Academy aims to create a congenial atmosphere for scholarly exchange in order to inspire future collaborations and foster networking opportunities for participants.

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies is prepared to provide accommodation during the conference week.

Thanks to a small travel fund, the Spring Academy can subsidize travel expenses for participants registered and residing in developing and soft-currency countries. Applicants for the travel fund must document the necessity for financial aid and explain how they plan to cover any potentially remaining expenses. Additionally, a letter of recommendation from their doctoral advisor is required.






Aktuelles Call for Papers Veranstaltungen

Call for Papers Symposium: Selfing and Shelving. Zines, Zine Media, and Zintivism

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

May 3, 2024

Zines are extremely versatile and shapeshifter across various historical and cultural contexts. The term covers a wide range of objects with different aesthetic and material qualities as well as contexts of production and reception: Zines accommodate the collective concerns of fans and activists (zintivism) and the personal voice of the diarist and letter writer. Since the rise of digital media, zines and their aesthetics have become portable: Digitised and digital zines exist alongside blogs, social media, podcasts, and substacks, which seem to exhibit zine-y tendencies, while digital infrastructures have changed the way that print zines are produced, distributed, and archived.

At the same time, print media, including zines, have seen a revival and postdigital reinvention, not the least as a paper-based escape from screens. In this new constellation, we propose to revisit questions like: Where does the zine begin and end and how have its meanings changed for readers, collectors, and makers? How can contemporary developments of the zine (like the wave of quaranzines) change our understanding of its meaning, genealogy, and archive? And what, and where, are zines now?

This symposium suggests considering these questions through the lens of

  • shelving – the zine at home, on the shelves of libraries, archives, and collectors, its repurposing and disassembling, its neglect as ephemera as well as remediation through reprints and staging in exhibitions, coffee table books, etc.
  • and ‘selfing’ – the zine as a tool in making identities and ‘working on the self,’ as a ‘third space’ for new subjectivities, as ‘sticky’ with affects, as the glue of communal belonging (local/transnational), as resource for ‘subcultural capital’ and distinction, and as conduit for relationships and activism.

We especially welcome papers that propose theoretical approaches which attend to the materiality of zines and zine production and consider the printed zine as only one form of zine media. We are interested in new approaches to zines as well as in investigations of media and objects that borrow from, reference, mimic, disguise as, or are influenced by the zine – that are in some way zine-y and take the format, aesthetics, tone, and/or affect beyond paper.

Please send an abstract (ca. 300 words) + a short biography to and

by December 31, 2023.

This symposium is designed as a friendly space for established and emerging scholars to share and discuss ideas. We also encourage practitioners to apply and are happy to accommodate non-academic formats of presentation.


Sabina Fazli, Obama Institute, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Miloš Hroch, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Call for Papers PDF