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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

International Conference: „Anabaptist Roots in North American Landscapes: The Plain People Today“

International Conference, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, July 2 – 4, 2015

Organizers: Maryann Henck, Maria Moss, and Sabrina Völz

In recent years, American and Cultural Studies scholars – not only in North America but also in Germany – have begun reassessing the national narrative on religion to reflect the diverse realities of North America. While some smaller religious minorities firmly embedded in American culture have been included, the religious faiths originating from Anabaptist traditions in German-speaking countries have largely been ignored. Given the unending array of documentaries, romance and detective novels, reality TV programs, blogs and life narratives about the “Plain People” as well as the ever-expanding tourism industry to Amish and Mennonite Country, a closer look at these separatists is warranted. Moreover, the growing concern about changing cultural, political, and religious landscapes in North America as well as the downside of globalization and technology have increased the nostalgia for the simple rural life of yesteryear.

A barbeque will conclude the symposium and celebrate North American Studies at Leuphana. All papers presented will be eligible for inclusion in an upcoming volume of the American Studies Journal ( on religious minorities.

For further information see:

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Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

International Symposium: Biopolitics – Geopolitics – Sovereignty – Life: Settler Colonialisms and Indigenous Presences in North America

International Symposium, University of Mainz, 25-27 June 2015

Organizers: Dr. René Dietrich (Mainz), Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf (Bremen)

This conference takes issue with biopolitics and geopolitics in the settler nation-states of North America, executed through continuing techniques of dispossession and surveillance of Indigenous populations, as well as with corresponding forms of sovereignty, agency, and life exercised in the matrix of biopower.

Biopolitical attempts to regulate Indigenous peoples – via removal, assimilation, education, administration, representation, genealogical politics, surveillance and disciplinary regimes – subject Indigenous nations to settler colonial rule by depoliticizing them. Biopolitical practices act towards Indigenous nations not as sovereign political entities in their own right, but subsume them under the imaginary racialized population of ‘Indians’ that is mainly defined through its separation from the settlers’ body politic proper. At the same time, Morgan Brigg’s concept of ‘terrapolitics’ and Mark Rifkin’s concept of ‘bare habitance’ have crucially pointed out that discussions of settler colonial biopolitics of racialization and regulation should not come at the expense of geopolitics of dispossession and removal. In this light, recent interrogations of settler colonial violence against Indigenous lands and lives in the production of colonial space in the U.S. and Canada (Mishuana Goeman) and the employment of “Indianness” for the transit of U.S. empire (Jodi Byrd) manifest the link between theories of bio- and geopolitics as an integral instrument to critique settler colonial techniques and practices.

Life itself, however, was less in the focus of critical inquiry. Putting forth that life is situated at a crucial junction between bio- and geopolitics, this conference wants to advance recent work by exploring and theorizing the different politics and epistemologies (concepts, forms, knowledges) of life in settler and Indigenous contexts in relation to bio- and geopolitical practices. It seeks to investigate how these can help to formulate ‘life’ as a category for political analysis and critique in settler-Indigenous relations, in evolving formations of sovereignty and agency, and in the struggle for decolonization.

We thus invite scholars of various disciplines engaged in these issues to discuss how an in-depth exploration of ‘life’ as a critical concept and political category in the tension between bio- and geopolitical practices and Indigenous forms of sovereignty and agency helps to further illuminate the complex, contested and still largely asymmetrical relations and interactions between settler colonialisms and Indigenous presences in North America.

Confirmed speakers: Mishuana Goeman (U of California), Mark Rifkin (U of North Carolina), Andrea Smith (U of California), Michael R. Griffiths (U of Wollongong), Robert Nichols (U of Minnesota), Audra Simpson (Columbia U), Kathy-Ann Tan (Tuebingen), Brian Hudson (U of Oklahoma), Gesa Mackenthun (Rostock), Sandy Grande (Connecticut College), Norbert Finzsch (Cologne), Jaqueline Fear-Segal (East Anglia), Ursula Lehmkuhl (Trier), Sabine N. Meyer (Osnabrueck), René Dietrich (Mainz).

The symposium features a reading by Deborah A. Miranda (Raised by Humans. Poems, 2015; Bad Indians. A Tribal Memoir, 2013)

For further information see:

For any questions please contact:,

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Canadian Studies Days 2015

Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada, Tagung/Fortbildung vom
25.-27.6.2015 in Marburg

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Sprechen Sie franglais? Kennen Sie ice hockey literature? Und was ist überhaupt los mit Multikulti in Kanada? Ob Sie sich für chansons, kanadisches Fernsehen oder Theater, Comics oder Kurzgeschichten, Alice Munro oder Thomas King, kanadische Kultur, Geschichte oder Politik interessieren – der Canadian Studies Day 2015 bietet all das – und noch viel mehr…

Das Marburger Zentrum für Kanada-Studien veranstaltet vom 25.-27.6.2015 in Marburg eine interdisziplinäre und internationale Tagung/Lehrerfortbildung zum Thema „Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada“. WissenschaftlerInnen, NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen, LehrerInnen, Studierende und SchülerInnen eröffnen auf dem Canadian Studies Day ein breites Feld an Themen, Methoden und Ideen für den Unterricht an Schulen und Universitäten.

Hier das vorläufige Programm.  Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt.

Weitere Informationen zur Tagung und zur Anmeldung finden Sie auf der Homepage des Marburger Zentrums für Kanada-Studien unter:

Die Veranstaltung ist durch das Hessische Kultusministerium (Landesschulamt und Lehrkräfteakademie) als Lehrerfortbildung akkreditiert. LSA-Angebots-Nr.: 01581939. Weitere Informationen zur Akkreditierung:


Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

GKS-Jahrestagung 2015

Ab sofort finden Sie das vorläufige Programm der GKS-Jahrestagung 2015 sowie das Anmeldeformular, Anreiseinformationen und ein Antragsformular für den Studierendenzuschuss zum Download unter

Die Jahrestagung findet vom 6. bis 8. Februar 2015 im Hotel am Badersee in Grainau statt. Anmeldungen sind bis zum 31. Dezember 2014 möglich. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Anmeldeformular.

Die Mitglieder der GKS erhalten im Laufe der kommenden Woche noch eine Einladung per Post.

Aktuelles Veranstaltungen

Lesereise von Éric Dupont

Vom 20. bis 27. Oktober ist Éric Dupont, frankophoner Bestseller-Autor aus Kanada, mit seinem Roman „La Fiancée américaine“ in Europa auf Lesereise. Folgende Lesungen stehen dabei auf dem Programm:

20. Oktober, 19.30 Uhr
Saarbrücken, Villa Europa

22. Oktober, 14.15 Uhr
Ludwigsburg, Pädagogische Hochschule (Raum 1.248)

23. Oktober, 19.00 Uhr
Innsbruck, Literaturhaus am Inn (Josef-Hirn-Str. 5/10)

24. Oktober, 15.00 Uhr
Graz, Institut für Romanistik (Merangasse 70, Raum 3.088)

27. Oktober, 9.10 Uhr
Brno, Masaryk University (Gebäude G)

Nähere Informationen zu dem Roman finden Sie hier.